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The North Idaho Fair and Rodeo Foundation


A 501(c)(3) organization, the North Idaho Fair & Rodeo Foundation enables individuals, businesses, families, and friends of the Fair to play a vital role in the future of the Fair & Rodeo and the Fairgrounds by supporting programs and facilities through gifts like donations, annual pledges, or estate planning. Many are surprised to learn that The North Idaho Fair & Rodeo and Kootenai County Fairgrounds receive less than 10% of its annual budget from taxpayers, which means that along with grants from private foundations, facilitating support is critical to financing new and existing programs, youth opportunities, and major fairgrounds improvements, which would not otherwise be possible.

The Foundation itself is governed by a Board of Directors, serving staggered three-year terms, and extremely dedicated to focusing on the Foundation’s mission. The mission of the North Idaho Fair & Rodeo Foundation is to raise funds for capital improvements at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds and for educational opportunities for area youth.

The Foundation also conducts educational community outreach programs and presentations to enlighten the community of the economic and cultural value of the rural way of life, the fair, and the fairgrounds.

For more information about becoming a member, please contact us at 208.765.4969 or email foundation@northidahostatefair.com.

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